What natural materials do we use?
We use only noble, natural materials of the highest quality, obtained in a sustainable way. Thanks to this, our products are durable, functional and beautiful, and you can enjoy your orderly world.

Sourced from Polish forests, oak wood is not just a material, it's a symbol of durability and elegance. Hard, resistant to damage, and extremely durable. Its light color and distinctive grain give the interior a unique character. Choose solid oak wood, which combines strength with subtle beauty, and create a special atmosphere in your home.

American Walnut
Sourced from forests in the USA, American walnut is extremely durable and resistant to damage. Its unique, deep chocolate color is unmatched, accentuated by the impressive grain structure, giving it extraordinary charm and elegance.

Cork from Portugal
A natural and ecological material obtained in a way that allows for full tree regeneration. Removing the outer layer of cork tree is done non-invasively, allowing for its subsequent self-regenerating growth.

Thanks to its unique construction of bonded layers, plywood is extremely durable and stable, making it perfect for various construction and craft projects.We replace it with metal to create products made of 100% natural materials. Powder coating gives plywood a durable, damage-resistant finish and a specific texture.

When trees are planted in the right place, at the right time, and for the right reasons, they can help address many of the environmental and social challenges we face.
Reforestation is one of the best ways to restore ecosystems that have been degraded or deforested. When you plant trees where they’re needed most, you provide critical support to impactful and deserving projects that may otherwise go unnoticed.
Our projects work toward forest restoration, biodiversity conservation, ecological restoration, and agroforestry. They also provide community benefits such as improving local health, supporting indigenous project ownership, and encouraging sustainable income generation.